Sunday, November 8, 2009

8 months....kinda :)

Aubrey and Mama Halloween 2009

So Aubrey's actually 8 1/2 months now, but we've been really, really busy. It seems like everyday she's doing something new, crawling, yapping, and then some. I spend my day chasing her around the house, leaving little time to update you all, sorry :/ But, I stopped working weekends, and finally have a moment to sit down and write, so here goes it....
Yes, Aubrey is crawling now!!! I've had the camera on standby just trying to capture the moment. I wasn't able to get her first crawl on camera, but once she did it , it was easy enough to get her to do it again without being camera shy :) Unfortunately, I currently have no way to post it to the blog.... But trust me, I was VERY excited. I think my incessant giggling almost demands more attention than her crawling though! She started crawling shortly after my last post. These days, she's ALL over the place, its tough to keep up! She loves exploring but fortunately, she still LOVES being held :)
The fun thing about this age is that it never stops! She has mastered crawling and is moving on to bigger and better tricks. Recently shes been able to walk along things like the couch or her activity table (dare I predict a walking baby by Christmas???). As recently as today, shes been trying to conquer crawling up stairs... fortunately we have baby gates :) Otherwise, who knows the injuries she'd sustain from her very own adventureland!
As I mentioned earlier, I've stopped working weekends. It feels like every time I write a post my job is changing in one way or another. This time, I hope I've found a long term position that works for both Aubrey and I. I started teaching pre-k's and so far so good. Its a school on the close side of Reno and Aubrey is just down the hall from me. I get to work longer hours while she gets to play and learn in an environment suitable for her age... we also get to meet up and have lunch together and I can peak in on her throughout the day. I just worked my last weekend day yesterday, and am so thankful to have found a position that allows me to be home when Jer is home.
Well thats, that... Nine months is just around the corner and we are looking forward to seeing everyone in just a few weeks (Thanksgiving!). She'll be able to show off her tricks, up close and personal :)