Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Helping Mama bake...

She reads me the recipe.... happy once they're ready for the oven!


Thats gotta be the smallest butt crack
I have ever seen!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

10 weeks

Aubrey with hat hair, crying because she didn't
wanna come in from our walk... atta girl!

So, Aubrey is 10 weeks now (crazy, I know) and recently shes found much entertainment hosting the mama and daddy Olympics. Shes come to a point in her life where she wants to move around and see whatever we're seeing, but, unfortunately, because of her size, she cannot. Unless, of course, we're holding her face out, sitting on our arms and walking around the living room. We love her curiosity, but if our arms get tired and we decide for a break she screams out, almost as if shes saying, "endurance is key, guys!" and because we're trying for the most spoiled baby of all time, we agree with her. So we pick her back up, sit her forward, and continue making laps!
Another "game"she plays, is her dueling with her swaddle. We swaddle her up for bedtime every night and it never fails, she starts kicking her little legs as forcefully as she can and throwing her arms all over the place as she tries to escape. Eventually we do get her all bundled, but shes no quitter. Nope, come 4am shes usually at it again and about half the time I roll over and see her legs out and a big smile on her face. Victory, she wins again!
We've pretty much got her on a nighttime schedule. She tends to wake up once at 4:00am and again at 6:30am, but, not wanting me to brag, she threw that out the window last night. Yep, last night she woke up at 4am and instead of eating and falling back asleep she was talking as LOUD as she could. Just droning on about who knows what... Whatever it was on her mind, she wanted to talk about it for a LONG time because she was at it until 6:3o this morning. I partly blame myself because I tend to smile when shes being that cute, no matter the time of day, and well, I imagine she thought it was an appropriate time to discuss current events or tell on Abigail for pulling her hair, seeing as Mama was awake anyway!
Whatever it is shes doing, helping us with our exercise or keeping us awake at night, shes adorable while she does it. I think we both agree these past 10 weeks have been the most amazing in our lives!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Haha! Impressive :)

Aubrey is getting pretty good at holding her head up, but she'll do you one better... She looks like shes dancing here, though, developmentally, there's no possible way! In any case she likes the song and the little fumbles in her sturdy head holding look like a super cute head bob. I'll take it :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bumbo Seat

Aubrey's 1st time in her Bumbo seat!!!
(With crazy hair!)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tummy Time!!!

Aubrey doing tummy time!
April 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

9 weeks!

Well Aubrey's getting older... I can't believe we've had her here for 9 whole weeks. It feels like we brought her home just a few short days ago. Because I posted late last week there's not too much to update you all on. I've been playing around on my new fancy camera (thanks Dave!) and the picture above is an example of the fun I'm having!
Aubrey gets her vaccinations on Friday... pray that everything goes smoothly! That's all for now...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Oops! 8 weeks...

I guess we've been pretty busy because I haven't posted anything in over two weeks! A lot has been going on with our little one growing so big. She is getting more adorable by the second. Recently shes been on a big smiling kick. She'll smile and coo, sometimes for NO reason. She's just an all around happy girl!
She's starting to hold her head up more and more, maybe because I realized she needed more tummy time when we got pictures a couple weeks back. She HATED being on her tummy and I thought, "Oh no, now everyone knows I'm not doing enough tummy time!" So we've been working on it and she is definitely getting better.
Her hair is getting a lot longer! It gets knots in the back and that silly soft bristle baby brush can't seem to fight back. I must be the only person on the planet wondering if her baby needs conditioner! Fortunately, we look back at Jer's baby pictures and see that his hair was just as long, so at least one other mom has gone through this :) I tell Jeremy that he needs to deal with Aubrey's hair because he's had that hair all his life, its so foreign to me, I just don't know what to do with it! I can put in the little bows and all that, but forget about all the rest that sticking out EVERYWHERE else!
She's growing, but so is the size of her blow outs (by blow outs I mean the gross pumpkin pie looking substance that overflows her diapers from time to time). It can, however, lead to some pretty cute pictures as you can see above. We were at a friends house and she blew out all over her clothes. To gain time we sat her in the sink and she loved it! I guess she thought it was made just for her because she just got all cozy and seemed to enjoyed herself! She's a blast and I'm sure nothing cuter has ever existed :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

6 weeks

Aubrey turned 6 weeks old on Tuesday! True to form, we've been keeping ourselves busy and we're posting the updates a tad bit late. We spent Tuesday in Sacramento with Grandma Krohn and Auntie Amber getting pictures taken with Abigail. As you might see from her precious scowl, she wasn't too happy with me for making her sit all pretty for her pictures!
She is growing so fast. We got her weighed today and she's now 8lbs 1.5oz. This is very exciting because it means she gained an oz a day for the last week...meaning I'm getting pats on the back rather than looks of concern regarding her weight!!! I still can't believe shes 8lbs! I know its still so tiny, but it seems big all things considered. Its been a blast so far. We love her increasing sassyness and her cute little looks. We've had a great 6 weeks and are looking forward to the weeks to come.