Thursday, June 25, 2009

4 month appt.

So Aubrey is 4 months old now!!! Crazy, I know. We just went to her 4 month doc appointment and she had to get more shots, never fun. She only weighs 11 lbs, 10 oz. The doc said it's low, but should be okay because she started out small. She guesses that Aubrey's just using up a lot of energy because she NEVER stops moving! They'd like to wait to start cereal until she doubles her birth weight but she did say that if I'm anxious to start I can give her one bowl a day and just wait until she gains a couple more pounds to up it to three times a day... I, of course, was anxious, I even started a couple days before the appointment, so I am continuing to give her the one bowl a day. Aubrey seems to really enjoy it but she lacks patience. In between spoonfuls she yells at me like, "Hurry up!" I think it's cute which probably doesn't help!
Things just keep getting more fun around here. Aubrey is starting to giggle and is even trying to sit up already. She loves it when anyone gets on the floor and plays with her. Between work (nannying) and home most of my day is spent on the floor, but there's no place I'd rather be, even if it means that nothing gets done! Aubrey enjoys going to work with me. Her and Sahana (8 months) are becoming great friends. Today they fell asleep side by side as they stared at one another. It was precious! Since we've started Aubrey can now roll both directions, is getting really good at tummy time (seen on the first picture), and is just in an all around better mood on the days we go and play!
I don't want to feel like I got my degree for nothing, so, even though I only work part time, I try to implement some of the things I've learned throughout our day. At work and at home I try to have developmental play with Aubrey. We do Itsy Bitsy yoga, baby massage, reading aloud, and even sneak in some exercise for me, using her as weight of course! Silly baby has no idea that this is work, she thinks its all play, a win-win for everyone! These developmental games don't fill up an entire day and there is lots of free play where Aubrey can take charge and decide what she wants to do, which usually requires she be in my arms or walking around the neighborhood! We call her our little personal trainer because she never wants us to stop moving!
Well, its been a very speedy four months, but we've enjoyed every minute of it so far. I'll try to post more pictures, but days are filling up fast now that I'm working and Aubrey isn't sleeping as much during the day. Until next time........

Monday, June 8, 2009


Never send a man to do a womans job!
Jeremy came out saying putting pants on babies is too hard... so he did this instead!

New Tricks...

I bought this thing at Target for like $35 and I got so mad when Aubrey refused to use it... Imagine my delight when I looked down yesterday and saw her, not just kicking the ball, but bringing it towards her with her feet!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Look who's growing up...

...I am!!! I am finally letting Aubrey sleep in a crib, though my arms do miss her while shes napping :) I just recently started working, and by recent I mean really recent (I only started 3 days ago). Anyway, I am now watching a 7mo. old, Monday through Friday in the mornings and taking Aubrey with me. I realized pretty early on that I can't rock her to sleep for naps while also trying to entertain another little one. That said, I finally gave in and now she's sleeping in her wooden cage :) for at least one nap a day (usually two though, or 1.5)! Thank Heaven for this thing though...
... Its the video monitor Grammy Krohn got us for the baby shower. I'd be strapped to her crib if I had to make this transition without it! Crazy or not, I'm a nervous Mama and I'm not afraid to admit it, and this little piece of machinery is my life line!
In other news, Aubrey just won't stop growing. I try to tell her that she can take her time, but she
has places to go and demands she gets there promptly. I don't think she'll be happy until shes found a way to fly! Already shes rolling over, but only from her back to her tummy, and kicking her legs and spinning around. I put her in the crib the other day and took a shower only to find her flipped the opposite direction and on her stomach. I thought her swaddle was on her head but lifted it up and found her feet!
It's more than just her moving, though. She's so alert now, so aware of everything going on around her. She is even starting to giggle, which is probably the cutest thing I have ever seen! She'd better lighten up on the cuteness or I'm sure her Daddy and I will be broke one day from giving her WHATEVER she wants with just one little giggle! Well, she's awake now, so Mama to the rescue, "Did you wake-sie girl-sie, girl-sie?!

Yes that is hair in her eye, no I'm not going to cut it :) We clip it back when shes awake!