Seven months, I can't believe it! I'm not sure why, but its seems soooo old, maybe because it sounds so close to one! She's grown so much in the past month, seems like everyday she's showing us a new trick, especially in the last week or two.
Aubrey and I started a new job, and by new I mean new to her because I've worked there for a couple years now! Yep, I am back at the academy up in Squaw. They told me I could bring Aubrey if I work weekends, and beggars can't be choosers... Any job that lets me bring Aubrey is hard to turn down. So every Saturday and Sunday I pack her up and take her to high school! She's a big hit, all of the students ADORE her! She gets a lot of comments on her good looks :) Sometimes I hear the students talking to each other, "have you seen her eyes, amazing..." Looks like Auntie Amber was right, but one more month and we'll know for sure if her eyes are going to stay blue.
She is trying REALLY hard to crawl, but isn't there yet. The picture below shows her complaining about moving further and further away from her toy. She is able to scoot backwards, which would be nice if that's what she was going for. She can't seem to figure out how to push herself forward, though has been trying various methods for about a week now. Before, she was just trying the same thing over and over again, leading to a very frustrated baby. Now she is at least experimenting with other movements, testing them all out to see if it will get her there. No luck so far, but she's no quitter! Though, every once in a while I'll catch her up on her hands and knees rocking back and forth like she's about to go somewhere. Once she sees me watching she immediately flops down as if she's embarrassed or something. It's hard to say exactly how long, but we'll have a mobile baby in no time!
She's showing us lots of new tricks. She's started "talking" quite a bit and loves to say, "hiya, dadadadada..." Her other favorite sound is literally, "blah, blah, blah..." I've been trying pretty hard, but so far she can't say Mama! She is also eating all sorts of new things. She gets a lot of pureed fruits and veggies and is content with them until she seems mama and daddy eating something else. When we sit down for dinner I let her eat little tiny chunks of "real" food with us. She's really enjoying it!
It's been so much fun watching Aubrey learn and grow. So much is happening so fast now, my guess is next month I'll be writing about how I'm chasing her ALL over our little mountain town!